Kauai Estate Law, LLLC Protecting your future... and theirs.
Cynthia Hannah-White
Katherine A. Caswell
Attorneys and Counselors at Law

Watch this space for information on upcoming FREE Estate Planning Seminars in Lihue, Kapaa and Princeville.


Visit EstatePlanning.com for the latest news and articles about estate planning topics, to sign up for a free webinar, or to find answers to your questions, definitions of planning terms, and other useful information.


Check out our Estate Law Blog, for the latest on changes in the law, estate planning strategies you can use, and things to think about.



Click the links for helpful internet resources/articles dealing with the following topics:

Will and Probate FAQs

Pet trust (a way to provide funds and direction for the care of your pet after your death)

Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (a way to shield future appreciation on your home from estate taxes, and minimize the gift tax associated with transferring your home to family members)

For Parents of Minor Children (a nice summary of relevant considerations for parents)

Photographs on this page courtesy of  Linda Long (l) and  Morvan Rodrigues (r).